ZEEM and Children

Currently ZEEM provides the finances that make it possible for twelve vulnerable children to attend their local public school in Masvingo, the region in Zimbabwe where Jephias was raised.  This support amounts to between $180 to $225 per child annually, depending on whether the child is in primary or secondary school.

Zimbabwe is reeling in the aftermath of the HIV/AIDS pandemic.  As many as 1.3 million children have been orphaned. These children struggle to obtain food and clothes.  Public schools are not free, but charge tuition and require uniforms.  Therefore, without financial assistance, most children have no educational future.

Jephias will make regular visits to these children in order to foster personal relationships, to ensure that their education is progressing, and to guarantee that their basic needs are being met.

ZEEM dreams of expanding this educational sponsorship program by enabling twenty more students to attend school.  ZEEM believes that these children, supported and encouraged during their primary and perhaps secondary education, will grow to be faithful adult followers of Christ, serving the church and their communities. At least 15% of all contributions to ZEEM will be dedicated to the support of these at-risk children.


Students currently sponsored

ZEEM currently oversees the sponsorship of 12 students.


goal of additional students

ZEEM hopes to offer sponsorship to 20 additional students.


Over one Million children

have been orphaned by the AIDS/HIV pandemic.